Welcome to W.E.A.V.E.
We are a National Women’s Alliance that aims to eliminate all forms of male violence (including sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation and trafficking). Our vision is to ensure that all women and children are able to live free from all forms of violence and abuse.
In drawing together key stakeholders that make up the ‘violence against women sector’ as well as survivors, and activist and interest groups, WEAVE embeds a wealth and diversity of experience and expertise within a single body.
National Remembrance Quilt Project - "Not one more"
Remembering the women and children killed in domestic violence.
We were honoured to have a number of Parliamentarians and other guests join us at the quilt’s hanging in Parliament House.”
"Senator Thorpe supports a Tasmanian Domestic Violence Death Review Process.
Senator Thorpe's full speech can be found here
Federal Parliament House, the House of Representatives Alcove, Canberra
View the plaque commemorating the quilt hanging
Message from Prime Minister Julia Gillard: The Opening of The National Rememberance Quilt DisplayDownload letter
Download the media release |
You can help homeless women and children
There is extreme concern regarding the current funding tender process for ‘Going Home Staying Home’ that affects the funding of refuge and crisis housing and women’s specialised services funded by the NSW Government - click here
Women’s Legal Service NSW have published their report - Women Defendants to AVOs: What is their experience of the justice system
click here
Women’s Legal Services NSW ('WLS') undertook an exploratory study of our 2010 experience of representing women who were defendants to Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (‘AVO’) proceedings in order to better understand what appeared to WLS, and a growing body of anecdotal reports from other agencies, to be a growing phenomenon. This is seen as the start of building an evidence base that will lead to a better understanding of this issue and improved practice for all in the legal system.
The research was limited by a number of factors and is not a random sample of all NSW cases. However the results illustrate some of the systemic issues experienced by women AVO defendants.
The study findings include that over two-thirds of our women clients defending AVOs reported that they were the victims of violence in their relationships. Fewer than 40% of these clients had a final AVO made against them when the case came before the court.
In the majority of cases where women were defending AVOs, the other party's complaint related to a single incident only. In several of these cases injuries to the other party could be indicative of self-defence, such as scratching or biting on the arm or hand.
Although further research is needed to determine the frequency with which inappropriate AVOs are pursued against women defendants, it is clear from the study that in a number of cases, the applications initiated against women defendants appeared unnecessary for the protection of the other party.
The report calls for others to gather data about women defendants of AVOs so there is an evidence base with which to inform policy and legal practice in the area of domestic violence and intervention orders.
Click here for executive summary
TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR INBOX - download app here
Only half of all Australians asked said they would report child abuse – Join the Little Red Riding Hood today campaign
by clicking here
Parental Alienation – Learn the real facts about Parental Alienation
Domestic Violence Death Reviews - National Community Legal Centres Conference
The National Domestic Violence Death Review Coalition presented a series of papers at the National Community Legal Centres Conference in Adelaide 29-31st August 2012.
Go to PAPERS & RRESEARCH to find out more
Support Victims' Compensation
Community Legal Centres in NSW are gravely alarmed about the recent announcement to reduce victims' compensation payments.
BREAKING NEWS: Women’s organisations and human rights lawyers appeal to UN to prevent abolishing of NSW victims compensation scheme (20 May 2013)
W.E.A.V.E. has joined in making an urgent appeal to the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women regarding the Victims Rights and Support Bill.
A final copy of this urgent appeal is available at Women's Legal Services NSW
For a copy of the CLC NSW media release and further information, go to Women's Legal Services NSW
Put Safety First in Family Law
Women’s Legal Service has an online petition for supporters of their campaign to sign.
You can sign the petition...here
The Domestic Violence Death Review Action Group for EDITH - Ending Deaths In The Home - is on facebook. | ![]() |
Facebook users can click on the icon above and then click the "like" button on the page. They will become a supporter and will automatically receive notifications of events and other news. They will also be able to add their own news and other comments.
For non-facebook users, email: redroserally@gmail.com to go onto the red rose alert message list.
This year to date, there has been 13 domestic violence deaths in Queensland that has come to the public attention – this includes 8 women (all murdered by men) 4 men (two murdered by men) 1 child and 1 unborn (the perpetrator in this case was charged with both the death of the mother and unborn child).
We need to continue our work to highlight the devastating toll such deaths are taking on our community.
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This petition calls upon all levels of government in Australia to urgently change their systems
and processes to put the rights, wellbeing, protection and welfare of children first in family law, child ‘protection’ and other matters involving children.
Children have the right to live free from emotional, psychological and other forms of abuse
now being perpetuated by the systems which are supposed to protect them.
The National Child Protection Alliance Australia Seminar 2011, Sydney Parliament House
Elspeth Mcinnes download video
Madness in Family Law: Mothers’ Mental Health in the Australian Family Law System by Dr. Elspeth McInnes -
Ellen Pence talks about women's use of violence and criminal justice/feminist advocacy response - VIDEO
ACOSS conference 2013 by Dr. Elpseth McInnes - presentation
"In this presentation I want to talk about my research insights which go to the drivers of poverty in Australian society and their relationship to gender."
The Duluth Abuse Intervention Program has developed a new "Using Children Post Separation" power and control wheel. You can see it on their web-site here
SCOOTER FOR EAST TIMOR W.E.A.V.E would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who donated and made it possible to buy a scooter for Teresa. The total raised was $2,600.
If you would like to continue to donate to the work being done in East Timor by:
FOKUPERS – The Women’s Communication Forum of East Timor – DONATION APPEAL, please click "how to donate" |